To operate a VHF or Single Side Band radio in Canada, you must have an ROC-M certificate (Restricted Operator’s Certificate – Maritime) – it’s the law.
The ROC-M course teaches emergency radio procedures and every day operating techniques. Learn about channel frequencies; the phonetic alphabet; procedural words and phrases along with Digit
To operate a VHF or Single Side Band radio in Canada, you must have an ROC-M certificate (Restricted Operator’s Certificate – Maritime) – it’s the law.
The ROC-M course teaches emergency radio procedures and every day operating techniques. Learn about channel frequencies; the phonetic alphabet; procedural words and phrases along with Digital Selective Calling (DSC) and the Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS). The ROC-M certificate with DSC Endorsement certifies the student to operate VHF and MF/HF (single side band) radios in Canada and is valid for life.
ROC-M Marine Radio
ROC-M Marine Radio
This course is designed to provide first time seafarers with the minimum training in personal survival techniques and firefighting for Canadian seafarers sailing solely on a small non-pleasure domestic vessel. In compliance with Transport Canada (TP 4957) Marine Personal Regulations, the following topics will be included: the basics of s
This course is designed to provide first time seafarers with the minimum training in personal survival techniques and firefighting for Canadian seafarers sailing solely on a small non-pleasure domestic vessel. In compliance with Transport Canada (TP 4957) Marine Personal Regulations, the following topics will be included: the basics of safety, hazards, emergency response, lifesaving and survival. This course includes a combination of in-class and practical exercises. To participate in this course, you must be at least 15 years of age.
ROC-M Marine Radio
A holder of an SVOP certificate can operate certain small commercial vessels. This course has been tailored to meet the training needs of the small vessel master. Topics include stability, collision regulations, chartwork and pilotage, shipboard safety, pollution prevention, meteorology, the Canadian buoyage system, radar, and the use of
A holder of an SVOP certificate can operate certain small commercial vessels. This course has been tailored to meet the training needs of the small vessel master. Topics include stability, collision regulations, chartwork and pilotage, shipboard safety, pollution prevention, meteorology, the Canadian buoyage system, radar, and the use of marine charts to execute a voyage. Prerequisites: Minimum 18 years of age.